To augment the release of EA and BioWare's latest "Dragon Age: Origins" video game expansion pack, IDW is giving the digital crowd an advance chance to catch the first issue of its upcoming "Dragon Age" comic book series on the iPhone and PSP.

Written by Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston with art by Mark Robinson plus a cover by Humberto Ramos, today's special digital premiere on the iPhone (and Thursday's debut on the PSP) comes more than two week's before the series' printed version on March 31.

IDW's move to help herald "Dragon Age's" video game growth seems like an apt one considering the gaming crowd's penchant for the iPhone and the PSP (and PSP Go) and the $1.99 price point for issue #1 seems a little sweeter than its print counterpart's cost of $3.99.

Ultimately the preference (and price tag) of the reading experience is up to fans - just like "Dragon Age's" availability on PC, X-Box 360 and the PS3.

[Via iTunes]

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