Cheetah, Catwoman and Poison Ivy Ramp up the Rogues Count in ‘Injustice 2′
February has been a good month for Injustice 2 character reveals and gameplay videos. After going virtually radio silent since August, NetherRealm Studios has bestowed video after video, reveal after reveal upon us this month. Given that there's currently a beta going (which we'd love to get into, NetherRealm), it only makes sense the developer would share more information as players got more and more hands-on time with the fighting game sequel.
After announcing Black Canary, Damian Wayne as Robin and Swamp Thing already, a brief spotlight video highlights three more femme fatales from the DC Universe making their appearances in Injustice 2. Catwoman is returning, but she'll be joined by newcomers Poison Ivy and Cheetah to keep the rest of the heroes in check.
Black Canary is the only one of the four women featured in the trailer to get her own personal video so far, but one can hope that Catwoman, Cheetah and Ivy will eventually get their own as well. As it stands, we get merely but a glimpse at the moves and combos each of these ravishing rogues are capable of pulling off. The videos merely serve to whet our appetites for what these villains will be able to accomplish under our control when Injustice 2 arrives.
We do get a good look at the new designs for all these characters though, which is never a bad thing. Catwoman gets a nice upgrade to a more traditional black catsuit than she wore in the first game. That was some weird steampunk-inspired garb that didn't really jive with what we know about Selina Kyle's fashion sense. Cheetah is thankfully not naked, but does meet the absolute bare minimum of clothing requirements to enter a 7-11 at the shore. I do like the Tarzan-inspired vibe, though I'm curious how Injustice 2's customization will alter her look. Ivy's the most straightforward of the bunch, adhering to her familiar green bodice. She's also the one new character given the clearest view of her special attack, which apparently teams her with Audrey III.
Injustice 2 will be available May 16 on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
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