
Cheetah Bares Her Teeth in the Latest 'Injustice 2' Trailer
Cheetah Bares Her Teeth in the Latest 'Injustice 2' Trailer
Cheetah Bares Her Teeth in the Latest 'Injustice 2' Trailer
Teased in some earlier gameplay footage, Cheetah has finally gotten an Injustice 2 trailer all her own. The vicious attacks of the melee fighter look absolutely brutal, and her speed and agility will no doubt make her a bonafide threat. It's a shame she and Wonder Woman couldn't stay friends after all these years.
Ev-furry-body's Got One: Nine Furry Comics Crushes
Ev-furry-body's Got One: Nine Furry Comics Crushes
Ev-furry-body's Got One: Nine Furry Comics Crushes
If comics has taught us anything, it’s that anything can be illustrated, and if the internet has taught us anything, it’s that anything can be someone’s turn-on. Comics and furries go hand in hand, dating back farther than living memory, with modern furry fandom a direct multigenerational outgrowth of funny animal comics and cartoons. It’s Love and Sex Week here at ComicsAlliance, so we've decided to do our part to destigmatize furries, because we believe that everyone has at least one furry crush, whether it's the stars of Disney's Robin Hood, a Thundercat, or the stars of Disney's Zootopia. (We see you, Disney.) To that end, here are nine of our most animalistic passions from the world of comics.
The Kinkiest Moments In Golden Age 'Wonder Woman' Comics
The Kinkiest Moments In Golden Age 'Wonder Woman' Comics
The Kinkiest Moments In Golden Age 'Wonder Woman' Comics
Everybody knows that Golden Age Wonder Woman can be pretty kinky. In fact, people joke about it constantly. After all, credited Wonder Woman writer William Moulton Marston was collaborating on the stories with his two wives, Elizabeth Holloway and Olive Byrne, and they were all known to be into some stuff that went far beyond their polyamory. And whether artist Harry G. Peter was in on the implications of what he was drawing or not, he gave it his all. So in a spirit of openness and positivity, we've dug through the first five years or so of Wonder Woman comics in search of kink. And if anybody had doubts, the kink is definitely there.
Cheetah, Catwoman and Poison Ivy Ramp up the Rogues Count in 'Injustice 2'
Cheetah, Catwoman and Poison Ivy Ramp up the Rogues Count in 'Injustice 2'
Cheetah, Catwoman and Poison Ivy Ramp up the Rogues Count in 'Injustice 2'
February has been a good month for Injustice 2 character reveals and gameplay videos. After going virtually radio silent since August, NetherRealm Studios has bestowed video after video, reveal after reveal upon us this month. Given that there's currently a beta going (which we'd love to get into, NetherRealm), it only makes sense the developer would share more information as players got more and more hands-on time with the fighting game sequel. After announcing Black Canary, Damian Wayne as Robin and Swamp Thing already, a brief spotlight video highlights three more femme fatales from the DC Universe making their appearances in Injustice 2. Catwoman is returning, but she'll be joined by newcomers Poison Ivy and Cheetah to keep the rest of the heroes in check.
World's Foulest: The Best DC Villain Cosplay
World's Foulest: The Best DC Villain Cosplay
World's Foulest: The Best DC Villain Cosplay
The DC Universe doesn’t lack for some of the most iconic heroes and heroines in comics. So it’s a good thing for the baddies that the DC Universe also has its share of great and heinous villains. With the DC villains being as colorful as they are, there are plenty of excellent cosplayers out there to offer up the darker side of cosplay. In every cape, cowl, and scar, these cosplayers bring the frightening visages of their favorite villains to life, and make the cosplay world just a little more exciting. These are the best DC Villain cosplays.
Cast Party: Who Should Play DC Comics' Legion of Doom?
Cast Party: Who Should Play DC Comics' Legion of Doom?
Cast Party: Who Should Play DC Comics' Legion of Doom?
This week I'm doing something a little different. With the DC movie universe expanding, all the talk about Suicide Squad, and the recent announcement that Black Manta will be in the Aquaman movie, I've been thinking about the future of DC supervillains on screen. We've also been doing this fun DC Supervillain Draft, and that's got me thinking in particular about the Legion of Doom, who originated in the Challenge of the Superfriends cartoon, and what an interesting collection of classic DC villains they are. So I decided to cast the Legion of Doom.
Rogues' Gallery: Wonder Woman's Top Ten Villains
Rogues' Gallery: Wonder Woman's Top Ten Villains
Rogues' Gallery: Wonder Woman's Top Ten Villains
A hero is defined by their villains, and the world of superhero comic books is filled with some of the scariest and silliest bad guys around. Rogues’ Gallery aims to settle the score and determine who is the true arch-nemesis for some of favorite superheroes, and we need your help to do it! You voted to see who Wonder Woman‘s ultimate arch-enemy was, and we’ve tabulated the results and assembled a video counting down the definitive top 10. Did your favorite make this list? There’s only one way to find out!
Rogues' Gallery: Who Is Wonder Woman's Greatest Enemy?
Rogues' Gallery: Who Is Wonder Woman's Greatest Enemy?
Rogues' Gallery: Who Is Wonder Woman's Greatest Enemy?
A hero is defined by their villains, and the world of superhero comic books is filled with some of the scariest and silliest bad guys around. Rogues’ Gallery aims to settle the score and determine who is the true arch-nemesis for some of favorite superheroes, and we need your help to do it! Wonder Woman has a great mix of villains, from ancient and mythic threats to humans corrupted by greed and opportunity. This week, we want to know who you think is the ultimate Wonder Woman nemesis.
Fantastic Five: Best Female Villains
Fantastic Five: Best Female Villains
Fantastic Five: Best Female Villains
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. Doctor Doom. The Joker. Red Skull. Lex Luthor. A solid villain can truly make a story and show that it really can be good to be bad. But, as it turns out, women exist also, and sometimes some of them do crimes too. Galvanized by this shocking revelation, I have compiled for you this list of the finest lady crime-doers that there are, in ascending order of badicoolness.