Take A Very Stressful Vacation To Bloodshot Island
So here's the thing about being a genetically engineered super-soldier with nanite-infused blood that can heal you from even the most devastating injuries. The same thing that makes you great at getting your job done at all costs, surviving mission after mission to fight again? It also makes you great for training an even better super-soldier, because they can just keep on hunting you as you adapt and learn to become an even tougher opponent. It is, by all reasoning, the perfect way to make a killing machine.
And that, unfortunately, is what Bloodshot's about to find out firsthand when Valiant releases Jeff Lemire, Mico Suayan and David Baron's Bloodshot Reborn #14, which kicks off "Bloodshot Island," a story that introduces us to Deathmate and shows us just how she got so good at killing. Check out a preview, but be warned: There's a Bloodshot Dog in this (which is great), but there's some bad stuff that's happening to him.