
A Mutant Revolution: The Best Brotherhood of Mutants Cosplay
A Mutant Revolution: The Best Brotherhood of Mutants Cosplay
A Mutant Revolution: The Best Brotherhood of Mutants Cosplay
There have been several iconic characters in the Brotherhood of Mutants over the years, starting with the initial line-up of Magneto, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Mastermind, and Toad. With so many great characters to choose from, it’s no wonder people would want cosplay these powerful mutants at conventions and for photo shoots The cosplayers we've assembled here bring the might of the Brotherhood to life in creative and fantastic ways. They may be bad, but they can still look good. These are the best Brotherhood of Mutants cosplays.
The Brave and the Bold: The Best Justice League Cosplay
The Brave and the Bold: The Best Justice League Cosplay
The Brave and the Bold: The Best Justice League Cosplay
Can’t decide which superheroes are your favorites? Why not enjoy a little bit of all of them? That's the great thing about superhero teams; they bring together everyone from the most famous and iconic heroes to the most bizarre and obscure. And no superteam captures that idea better than the Justice League. For your viewing pleasure, we’ve amassed our own super gallery featuring cosplayers portraying members of the Justice League throughout the years. Every cape, every cowl, every leotard featured shows off the enormous wealth of talent on the part of the cosplayers who take up these heroes' mantles. These are the best Justice League cosplays ever.
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 07.18.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 07.18.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 07.18.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent.
Best Cosplay Ever: Star Wars Celebration Europe (Day Three)
Best Cosplay Ever: Star Wars Celebration Europe (Day Three)
Best Cosplay Ever: Star Wars Celebration Europe (Day Three)
Have you had your fill of Star Wars cosplay yet? Good, because we're back again with another installment of tremendous costuming from the show floor of this year's Star Wars Celebration. Every single day, these committed folks have been putting on a show for more casual con-goers, and being the champs they are, stopping every single time a family, solo attendee or kid asks for a picture. After three days of total, non-stop action, you'd think there was nothing left in the tank for these cosplayers, but Sunday showed these creative attendees had a lot more to offer than we ever expected. From the original saga, to The Force Awakens, to the animated shows, comics and beyond, these are the best Star Wars cosplays from day three of Star Wars Celebration.
Best Cosplay Ever: Star Wars Celebration Europe (Day Two)
Best Cosplay Ever: Star Wars Celebration Europe (Day Two)
Best Cosplay Ever: Star Wars Celebration Europe (Day Two)
The first day of Star Wars Celebration Europe was chock full of incredible people decked out in fantastic costumes, but the cosplay contest held late opening night was a sight to behold. More than two dozen entrants dazzled the crowd and judges with intricate costumes for characters both beloved by all and some known to but a few at first glance. The judges certainly didn't have an easy night, but out in the crowd, it was pure spectacle that we could just enjoy. But the cosplay goodness didn't stop there. If you thought day one was full of amazing handiwork, the folks we encountered on day two upped the ante tremendously. From the original saga, to The Force Awakens, to the animated shows, comics and beyond, these are the best Star Wars cosplays from day two of Star Wars Celebration.
Best Cosplay Ever: Star Wars Celebration Europe (Day One)
Best Cosplay Ever: Star Wars Celebration Europe (Day One)
Best Cosplay Ever: Star Wars Celebration Europe (Day One)
This year's Star Wars Celebration isn't taking place in a galaxy far, far away, but for those of us traveling around the world to be there, it sure feels like it. That didn't stop some of the most devoted fans in the universe from dressing to the nines for the opening day of the annual event. One of the great things about Star Wars is how it's inspired so many fans to interpret all the great characters we know and love with their own style, or in the case of a number of clever folks, creating all-new personas set in this universe. From the original saga, to The Force Awakens, to the animated shows, comics and beyond, these are the best Star Wars cosplays from day one of Star Wars Celebration.
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 07.11.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 07.11.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 07.11.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent.
The Man Who Laughs: The Best Joker Cosplay
The Man Who Laughs: The Best Joker Cosplay
The Man Who Laughs: The Best Joker Cosplay
When it comes to an icon like Batman, creation of a true foil requires care and precision, and there is perhaps no one better to fit the bill than the Joker. Created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson, the Joker debuted in the first issue of Batman back in 1940. Originally meant to be killed off in his debut, The Joker instead survived to become Batman’s perfect antithesis in morality, philosophy and methods. He is a criminal mastermind who has been in the spotlight in many of Bruce Wayne’s most trying of times as defender of Gotham. No doubt, it is his place high on the throne in the pantheon of Batman baddies that drives cosplayers to take up his iconic bleached skin, green hair, and sinister smile. From the toothy grin, to the flashy get-up, these cosplayers bring the Joker to life in a fashion that will leave you calling for the Caped Crusader. These are the best Joker cosplays.
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 07.05.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 07.05.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 07.05.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent.
No Brighter Stars: The Best Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel Cosplay
No Brighter Stars: The Best Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel Cosplay
No Brighter Stars: The Best Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel Cosplay
Introduced in 1968, there a few women in comics with such a storied history of strength and determinaton as Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel. Carol is a character who works hard at building the brightest possible tomorrow and the best version of herself. It's precisely that kind of attitude that inspired Kamala Khan, the young hero from Jersey City, to adopt the Ms. Marvel codename when she came into powers of her own. No matter whether they’re taking on the mantle of Ms. Marvel or Captain Marvel, these cosplayers bring the best of the hero to the surface on the convention floor. These are the best Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel cosplays.

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