In addition to being Breast Cancer Awareness Month and LGBT History Month, October is also Bullying Prevention Month. It's a busy time.

To bring some local attention to the fight against bullying, Cleveland comic shop Carol and John's has joined forces with a group of local artists called the Scribble Nerds for a set of seven 3 x 3 stickers featuring Marvel characters and bearing the slogan "Be a hero, not a bully."

The store owners explained that the stickers were inspired by a set of anti-bullying variant covers Marvel has been releasing.

Any customer at Carol and John's who buys any graphic novel (even the discounted ones) gets a set of the stickers from artists Clare Kolat, Shawny Walthaw, Mark Laubenthal, Ashley Ribblett, Henry Pope III, Dee Pio, and Ryan Finley.

For the full set of stickers, along with explanations from the artists as to why they picked the characters they did, head over to the Carol and John's website.

[Via Robot6]

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