
A Celebration Of Jean Giraud, AKA Mœbius
A Celebration Of Jean Giraud, AKA Mœbius
A Celebration Of Jean Giraud, AKA Mœbius
Jean Giraud, better known to many in comics by the pseudonym Mœbius, is a legendary figure in the comics industry, and one of the most influential European comic artists of all time. Whether it’s his esoteric and complex creator-owned work in his native France, or his occasional dalliance with work-for-hire comics in America, few have come close to rivaling Mœbius’ breathtaking brilliance.
Win Jodorowsky Hardcover Comics & 'Jodorowsky's Dune' Poster
Win Jodorowsky Hardcover Comics & 'Jodorowsky's Dune' Poster
Win Jodorowsky Hardcover Comics & 'Jodorowsky's Dune' Poster
a Rafflecopter giveaway Now playing in limited release, Jodorowsky's Dune documents the history of the legendary  unmade treasure that is/would-have-been Dune, a planned adaption of Frank Herbet's classic science fiction novel undertaken in the 1970s by filmmaker and comics writer Alejandro Jodorowsky...
Five Great Comic Book Adaptations Of Movies
Five Great Comic Book Adaptations Of Movies
Five Great Comic Book Adaptations Of Movies
Back before the VHS tape made it possible to watch the movies you wanted when you wanted (as long as Blockbuster had a copy in stock), movie novelizations and comic book adaptations of films were some of the only options fans had when it came to reliving a movie they wanted on-demand. While the majority of these were rightly viewed as cash-ins that let comics companies float on someone else's succ
'Calvin And Hobbes' And 'Dune' Mashup
'Calvin And Hobbes' And 'Dune' Mashup
'Calvin And Hobbes' And 'Dune' Mashup
The internet is full of so many random mashups and, frankly, a lot of them aren't very interesting, and many are just forced. But there are some, like the recent effort to remix Peanuts with Morrisey lyrics, that feel appropriate. And now there's Calvin And Dune, a tumblr that presents Calvin and Hobbes strips combined with quotes from Frank Herbert's timeless science fiction saga. It's not an ass
Link Ink: ‘The Darkness 2′ Slays Four Ways, ‘Hetalia’ Keeps on Keeping on and ‘Marvel Super Hero Squad Online’ Parties Down
Link Ink: ‘The Darkness 2′ Slays Four Ways, ‘Hetalia’ Keeps on Keeping on and ‘Marvel Super Hero Squad Online’ Parties Down
Link Ink: ‘The Darkness 2′ Slays Four Ways, ‘Hetalia’ Keeps on Keeping on and ‘Marvel Super Hero Squad Online’ Parties Down
Gaming: The Darkness 2's "quad-wielding" mechanic will allow players to kill enemies with four limbs at once -- seriously! Creators: Chris Sparks and Cul de Sac creator Richard Thompson's Team Cul de Sac will produce a new zine as part of its efforts to raise money to fund a cure for Parkinson Disease...
Paul Pope Draws ‘Dune’ Like a Newspaper Comic
Paul Pope Draws ‘Dune’ Like a Newspaper Comic
Paul Pope Draws ‘Dune’ Like a Newspaper Comic
Artist Paul Pope took a paragraph-long excerpt from Frank Herbert's epic sci-fi novel "Dune" and expanded it into a comics page that looks an awful lot like the newspaper-sized "Wednesday Comics" Pope was working on recently for DC. He explains: I wanted to try applying the lessons learned from the Wednesday Comics experience to a different subject, here finding a source which