Star Wars

Cast Party: Who Should Star in a Doctor Aphra Movie?
Cast Party: Who Should Star in a Doctor Aphra Movie?
Cast Party: Who Should Star in a Doctor Aphra Movie?
Rogue One has proven the viability of Star Wars spin-off movies outside the main Skywalker saga, and meanwhile the Star Wars comics are going gangbusters at Marvel, so it seems like only a matter of time until there's a Star Wars movie based on a comic. So far, the most popular character created for the current Star Wars comics is Doctor Aphra, who was introduced in Darth Vader and currently stars in her own series written by Kieron Gillen, with art by Salvador Larroca and Kev Walker.
Remembering The Many Sides Of Carrie Fisher
Remembering The Many Sides Of Carrie Fisher
Remembering The Many Sides Of Carrie Fisher
The death this week of writer, actor, and advocate Carrie Fisher has come as a devastating blow to her fans at the end of a difficult year. Best known for her performance as Princess Leia in the Star Wars movies, Fisher was a pop culture icon, and one of the most inspiring figures in the sci-fi canon. But beyond her most famous role, she was also a brilliant writer, a scathing wit, and a powerful voice for people struggling with mental illness. To honor the passing of a legend, and to thank her for the role she played in our lives, we've collected some of our thoughts and reflections on the many different sides of Carrie Fisher.
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 27.12.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 27.12.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 27.12.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent. This week's selection of the best cosplay ever includes Static, Mara Jade, Draco Malfoy, Black Cat and more.
'Legends of Tomorrow' Will Introduce a Young George Lucas
'Legends of Tomorrow' Will Introduce a Young George Lucas
'Legends of Tomorrow' Will Introduce a Young George Lucas
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow wears all manner of sci-fi influences on its sleeve, not the least of which has been Star Wars. Now, the Legends’ trips through history will finally extend to a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away as well, spotlighting the origin of Star Wars itself with a young George Lucas next month.
Carrie Fisher, 'Star Wars' Princess Leia, Dies at 60
Carrie Fisher, 'Star Wars' Princess Leia, Dies at 60
Carrie Fisher, 'Star Wars' Princess Leia, Dies at 60
Terrible news to confirm today, as a beloved icon and Star Wars star’s condition has taken a turn for the worse. Carrie Fisher, actress behind both Princess and General Leia, has passed away at age 60. The revered actress and comedic presence had earlier suffered a heart attack en-route from London to Los Angeles.
'Star Wars' Explains Integrating 'Rebels' Into 'Rogue One'
'Star Wars' Explains Integrating 'Rebels' Into 'Rogue One'
'Star Wars' Explains Integrating 'Rebels' Into 'Rogue One'
In a world where Marvel can’t seem to get their TV and movie branches to cooperate, Star Wars managed to delight fans of either medium with back-and-forth appearances for Star Wars Rebels and Rogue One. Now, a Lucasfilm story group member speaks out on the interplay between the two, teasing “Rebels and Rogue One are all just the start of a larger strategy.”
'Star Wars Rebels' Reveals 'Rogue One' Easter Eggs
'Star Wars Rebels' Reveals 'Rogue One' Easter Eggs
'Star Wars Rebels' Reveals 'Rogue One' Easter Eggs
Star Wars Rebels has already cemented a major Rogue One connection ahead, though fans of either might have caught the various easter eggs sprinkled throughout this weekend’s film. Now, Lucasfilm reveals a closer look at said Rebels cameos, while producers discuss revisiting Rogue One in a future season.
Star Wars Rebels Confirms Forest Whitaker 'Rogue One' Return
Star Wars Rebels Confirms Forest Whitaker 'Rogue One' Return
Star Wars Rebels Confirms Forest Whitaker 'Rogue One' Return
Word broke over the weekend that Star Wars Rebels might deepen its connection with Rogue One by the animated return of Saw Gerrera, himself originally a creation of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Now, not only is Rebels confirming Saw’s return in 2017, it seems Forest Whitaker himself will reprise the role! Get a first look in a new clip.

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