Twin Peaks

'Twin Peaks' Postcards By Paul Willoughby
'Twin Peaks' Postcards By Paul Willoughby
'Twin Peaks' Postcards By Paul Willoughby
Ever since Laura Palmer washed up on the riverbank wrapped in plastic, Twin Peaks has been a benchmark for engaging television. Created and directed by David Lynch, the series is known not just for great acting and an engaging and ultra-creepy mystery, but for the striking visuals that it presented viewers. Which, when you consider it, is probably why it's been such a popular subject for artists to take a shot at. One such artist is Paul Willoughby, and in a series of fantastic pieces that he produced back in 2012, he interpreted the characters of Twin Peaks on postcards from the show's Pacific Northwest setting.
Link Ink: Murs Guest Hosts ‘Fresh Ink! Online,’ Lightsabers On A Train And Compound Hulk’s Action Figure
Link Ink: Murs Guest Hosts ‘Fresh Ink! Online,’ Lightsabers On A Train And Compound Hulk’s Action Figure
Link Ink: Murs Guest Hosts ‘Fresh Ink! Online,’ Lightsabers On A Train And Compound Hulk’s Action Figure
Fresh Ink! Online: Blair Butler and Murs review last week's comics, which include Catwoman, Batman, Daredevil, Green Lantern Corps., Northlanders, A Game of Thrones, Near Death, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Ultimate Comics: X-Men. Writing: Pastor Skye Jethani blogs at length about The Man of Steel ditching Superman's underpants on the outside...