
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 12.05.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 12.05.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 12.05.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent. This week's selection of the best cosplay ever includes Wolverine, Star Wars' Mara Jade, Batwoman, RWBY's Ruby Rose, and more!
Greg Pak And Greg Land Launch 'Weapon X' Team Book
Greg Pak And Greg Land Launch 'Weapon X' Team Book
Greg Pak And Greg Land Launch 'Weapon X' Team Book
Here we are at the end of the week with another ResurrXion announcement. The Weapon X book that we knew was coming will be written by Greg Pak with art by Greg Land, and we now know that it's a team book featuring Old Man Logan, Sabretooth, Lady Deathstrike, Warpath, and Domino.
New ‘Logan’ Image Reveals Old Man Wolverine in Full Color
New ‘Logan’ Image Reveals Old Man Wolverine in Full Color
New ‘Logan’ Image Reveals Old Man Wolverine in Full Color
For the past month, director James Mangold and the official wponx Instagram account have been keeping us intrigued with a series of beautiful black and white photos from Logan — the upcoming Wolverine sequel that marks Hugh Jackman’s final outing as the iconic hero. The latest image shakes things up a bit, offering a full-color sneak peek at Old Man Logan and his new friend, a young mutant named Laura, or, as she’s known to comic-book fans, X-23.
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: For the Fan Who Has Everything
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: For the Fan Who Has Everything
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: For the Fan Who Has Everything
There’s a strong strain of the collector in fandom, and buying for a comics fan can be a difficult endeavor, because so much of what they want is something they already know about. But even the most famous writers, artists, and characters have obscurer works that often go overlooked. This gift guide looks at deep cuts for the superfan in your life, and we've divided into three sections; favorite artists, favorite writers, and favorite characters. If you know someone who is passionate about Darwyn Cooke, devoted to Warren Ellis, or a big-time Superman fan, we may have the perfect gift suggestion.
New ‘Logan’ Photo Teases a Heavy Metal Villain
New ‘Logan’ Photo Teases a Heavy Metal Villain
New ‘Logan’ Photo Teases a Heavy Metal Villain
It seems likely that we’ll get another Logan trailer before the end of the year, but until then, the official Instagram account for Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine sequel is keeping us on our toes with plenty of intriguing images — like the latest, another black and white shot, this time of a mysterious metal arm. But who does this arm belong to? Pierce, or one of his Reavers? Or perhaps some still-unseen villain?
Logan's Run: Funko Has All The Wolverines You Could Want
Logan's Run: Funko Has All The Wolverines You Could Want
Logan's Run: Funko Has All The Wolverines You Could Want
Funko recently announced a whole mess of Pop and Dorbz figures of classic X-Men characters, however, you may have noticed that one of the most popular X-Men was unusually underrepresented in that release. That's probably because he's a loner, and nobody can understand his pain. Wolverine always has his own comic (even when he's dead, somehow), always gets his own movies, and now he's getting his own announcement about his own Funko figures.
Say My Name: The Pleasures Of The Spoken Superhero Logo
Say My Name: The Pleasures Of The Spoken Superhero Logo
Say My Name: The Pleasures Of The Spoken Superhero Logo
There are a lot of ways that a comic book can reinforce the iconography of the superhero. A snappy costume; signature powers; an artist that defined the look of the book for a generation. But part of the iconography of the superhero is a good logo, and part of establishing that iconography is that hoary old comics tradition: saying the logo out loud.
X-23 Gon' Give It To Ya: Five Essential Laura Kinney Stories
X-23 Gon' Give It To Ya: Five Essential Laura Kinney Stories
X-23 Gon' Give It To Ya: Five Essential Laura Kinney Stories
The recently released trailer for Logan — Hugh Jackman's final outing as Wolverine — has fans hopeful it could be the best in what can generously be referred to as a patchy trilogy of solo films for the character. The central focus for the new trailer is the young girl left in Logan's care by Professor X, who it was revealed will be called "Laura" confirming her as at least analogous to Laura Kinney, the X-Man formerly known as X-23 and currently starring as the new Wolverine in All-New Wolverine. Laura first appeared in the animated series X-Men Evolution before making the leap to the comics as Wolverine discovered the existence of his teenage female clone. Laura has been a huge part of Marvel Comics for over twelve years now, and there's a lot of continuity packed in there, but we've picked out the five best comics to help familiarize yourself with the character.
Crash Course: Who Are Those Cyborg Guys In The 'Logan' Trailer?
Crash Course: Who Are Those Cyborg Guys In The 'Logan' Trailer?
Crash Course: Who Are Those Cyborg Guys In The 'Logan' Trailer?
Today, Fox Studios released the trailer for Logan, Hugh Jackman's final film portraying the surly Canadian mutant with a penchant for stabbing dudes. Amid the somber tone and the Johnny Cash, we got some real good looks at some of the villains, a group of men with robot limbs, led by Narcos star Boyd Holbrook. For those not in the know, Holbrook is playing X-Men villain Donald Pierce, and his goons are a group called The Reavers. If X-Men continuity is too impenetrable for you and you've no clue what that means, we've set up a Crash Course to get you caught up.
‘Logan’ Reveals First Look at Stephen Merchant’s Caliban
‘Logan’ Reveals First Look at Stephen Merchant’s Caliban
‘Logan’ Reveals First Look at Stephen Merchant’s Caliban
…And the Logan photos just keep coming. Though recently rumored, these new images from the upcoming Wolverine sequel offer the first official confirmation of Stephen Merchant’s role in the film. Typically known for his comedic work and collaborations with Ricky Gervais, Merchant appears to be taking on a very different — and visually striking — sort of role in Logan as the X-Men character Caliban.

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