
High-Level Orc Assassination Rogue Wins Maine State Senate Seat, Humans Tremble At Might Of The Horde
High-Level Orc Assassination Rogue Wins Maine State Senate Seat, Humans Tremble At Might Of The Horde
High-Level Orc Assassination Rogue Wins Maine State Senate Seat, Humans Tremble At Might Of The Horde
Back in October, we brought you the story of Colleen Lachowicz, a candidate for the Main State Senate who was attacked in flyers distributed by her state's Republican party because she's an avid World of Warcraft player. Now, the results of the election are in, and despite gamer status (and an attempt by Stephen Colbert to ward her off with Sting, an Orc-bane sword forged by the elves of Gondoin)
New ‘World of Warcraft’ Mega Bloks Bring the MMO to Bricky Life
New ‘World of Warcraft’ Mega Bloks Bring the MMO to Bricky Life
New ‘World of Warcraft’ Mega Bloks Bring the MMO to Bricky Life
Though it's effectively conquered nearly every one of the million merchandising realms, Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft will finally enter the brick toy fray this summer with a full line of building sets from Mega Bloks. The MMORPG's most famous character types and beasts are present and accounted for in the line, with Alliance elves and humans on one side and Horde trolls, goblins an
Link Ink: The ‘Wonder Woman’ Pilot Reviewed, Body Paint Carnage Cosplay and Green Lantern Toys Aplenty
Link Ink: The ‘Wonder Woman’ Pilot Reviewed, Body Paint Carnage Cosplay and Green Lantern Toys Aplenty
Link Ink: The ‘Wonder Woman’ Pilot Reviewed, Body Paint Carnage Cosplay and Green Lantern Toys Aplenty
TV: iFanboy got its hands on David E. Kelley's failed Wonder Woman pilot and have a lot of nice things to say about the heart of the production (even though it's missing most of its special effects). Movies: If Facebook's good for one thing, it's letting Peter Jackson tell the world that Orlando Bloom will reprise his The Lord of the Rings trilogy role as Legolas the elf in The Hobbit... Rea
Peter Bagge Hates Your Avatar in ‘Other Lives’ [Review]
Peter Bagge Hates Your Avatar in ‘Other Lives’ [Review]
Peter Bagge Hates Your Avatar in ‘Other Lives’ [Review]
Peter Bagge has one of the most distinct and talented voices in comics. So, it was with some surprise that "Other Lives," his new Vertigo graphic novel about virtual online worlds, felt so unoriginal. Reading "Other Lives" was like watching a depressing episode of "The Guild," but instead of the characters being charming and hilarious, they're unrelatable and serious