Dynamite Launches 10th Anniversary Humble Bundle To Benefit Numerous Charities
I like comic books a lot, and since I tend to fall pretty close to a Scrooge McDuckian philosophy when it comes to spending money, I like getting them as cheap as I possibly can. And because I've taken superhero comics pretty seriously ever since I was a kid, I've also tend to be pretty into helping people out whenever I can. That's why I'm always glad when something like the Dynamite 10th Anniversary Humble Bundle comes across my desk and gives me the opportunity to get a gigantic stack of comics for whatever I want to pay, while also getting the money to some very good causes.
In this case, it's well over 100 pages of comics and a 328-page art book from Dynamite's past decade of publishing, including Grant Morrison and Mark Millar's Vampirella stories, Gail Simone's relaunch of Red Sonja and a collection of Alex Ross's art for the publisher for around $15, with the proceeds going to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and Doctors Without Borders.
If you're not familiar with how the whole Bundle thing works, it's basically like this: You can get a selection of comics for whatever you want to pay, but if you pay above the average price (currently hovering around $10), you can get even more, and if you get above $15, you can get the whole shebang.
And here's what you get. First, the Pay-What-You-Want Tier:
• Amanda Hocking's The Hollows: A Hollowland Graphic Novel (Multiple Issues)
• Chaos #1
• Cryptozoic Man (Multiple Issues)
• The Mocking Dead Vol. 1 (Multiple Issues)
• My Little Phony: A Brony Adventure
• Project Superpowers Vol. 1 (Multiple Issues)
• Sherlock Holmes Vol. 1: The Trial of Sherlock Holmes (Multiple Issues)
• Vampirella Masters Series Vol. 1: Grant Morrison & Mark Millar (Multiple Issues)
• Vampirella Masters Series Vol. 2: Warren Ellis (Multiple Issues)
• Vampirella Vs. Fluffy
Then the Beat The Average tier:
• George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards: The Hard Call (Multiple Issues)
• Jim Butcher's Dresden Files: War Cry #1
• Kevin Smith's Green Hornet Vol. 1 (Multiple Issues)
• Kevin Smith's Green Hornet Vol. 2 (Multiple Issues)
• Legenderry: A Steampunk Adventure (Multiple Issues)
• Pathfinder Vol. 1: Dark Waters Rising (Multiple Issues)
• Red Sonja Vol. 1: Queen of Plagues (Multiple Issues)
• Vampirella Masters Series Vol. 4: Alan Moore (Multiple Issues)
And the Fixed Price $15 tier:
• The Dynamite Art of Alex Ross
• Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time Complete Series (35 Issues)
I haven't read a lot of what's on offer (which makes me the perfect target audience for the Bundle) but if you're curious, I can definitely confirm that those old Vampirella stories by Morrison, Millar, Ellis and Moore are more than worth getting for $15 all by themselves.
The Dynamite Humble Bundle runs for the next two weeks, ending on Wednesday, July 9.
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