The Mighty Thor Krakathooms Into Kotobukiya’s Bishoujo Line
For the past seven years, Kotobukiya's Bishoujo line has been providing statues from the Marvel universe cast in Shunya Yamashita's vision. Yamashita's takes on the likes of Black Widow, Rogue, the Invisible Woman, She-Hulk and many more have been the driving force behind the line's success. Since the Bishoujo series focuses entirely on "beautiful girls," we've been absent some of the more notable names in the Marvel roster. We've been more than content with a company exclusively devoting a line to female characters, but not-so recent developments in Marvel comics had us clamoring for some of those new lady legacy heroes.
Finally, prayers to the All-Father have been answered. This winter, Thor joins the lineage of the Bishoujo line, and she strikes a commanding pose with her arrival.
We actually got a look at the Jane Foster Thor Bishoujo at San Diego Comic-Con a few weekends ago, and came away rather impressed. There are times when Yamashita's designs don't convey a sense of empowerment, and instead focus too much on surface-level aesthetics of these characters. That's not the case at all with Thor, who is captured in a magnificent pose that shows off her strength just as much as her beauty. There is no cheesecake in this piece. It's wholly devoted to power derived from the Asgardian's athletic form.
This Thor is a champion and with her arm raised, you feel that victory on the battlefield is already assured. It's a confident work, and with the hair and cape flowing in the winds of war, you know the other side is in big trouble the moment she arrives. Even with the alternate portrait, which features Thor without her helm, that confidence never wavers. Her facial expression isn't cutesy or wanton; Thor is fed up with your patriarchal bulls--- and she wants you to know it.
The Marvel Bishoujo Thor is available for pre-order now from Kotobukiya for $89.99 and is expected to arrive in January 2017.