
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 05.16.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 05.16.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 05.16.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent.
Screen & Page: Of Vespa Girls & Coming Of Age In 'FLCL'
Screen & Page: Of Vespa Girls & Coming Of Age In 'FLCL'
Screen & Page: Of Vespa Girls & Coming Of Age In 'FLCL'
Most anime is adapted from manga, often produced by the manga publisher to raise awareness and selling it overseas. But what about the anime shows or film that go the other way, adapted from the screen to the page? How do those works hold up, and what changes or stays the same? That’s what Screen & Page aims to explore. This week, we're looking at an immortal tale of girls on Vespas, vintage bass guitars, and robots coming out of a kid's head. It's FLCL!
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 05.09.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 05.09.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 05.09.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent.
Screen & Page: An Actual War On Social Media In 'Summer Wars'
Screen & Page: An Actual War On Social Media In 'Summer Wars'
Screen & Page: An Actual War On Social Media In 'Summer Wars'
Most anime is adapted from manga, often produced by the manga publisher to raise awareness and selling it overseas. But what about the anime shows or film that go the other way, adapted from the screen to the page? How do those works hold up, and what changes or stays the same? That's what Screen & Page aims to explore. This week, we're looking at Mamoru Hosoda's 2009 science fiction film Summer Wars, and the Iqura Sugimoto manga that followed it!
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 05.02.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 05.02.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 05.02.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent.
Screen & Page: Super Meets Star In 'Tiger & Bunny'
Screen & Page: Super Meets Star In 'Tiger & Bunny'
Screen & Page: Super Meets Star In 'Tiger & Bunny'
About 90% of all anime made is adapted from manga. In a lot of cases, the manga's publisher produces the anime and is responsible for making sure it gets sold to other countries --- the better to increase awareness and manga sales. But what about that other 10%? What about that anime show or film that proves to be such a huge hit that a manga adaptation --- often written or drawn by members of the production staff --- is inevitable? What stays the same between the screen and the page and what's different? What works, and what doesn't? That's what Screen & Page, aims to explore. For our first installment, we're examining one of my favorite anime, and one of the best superhero stories around today; Tiger & Bunny!
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 04.25.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 04.25.16
Best Cosplay Ever (This Week) 04.25.16
In honor of the caped crusaders of the convention scene, ComicsAlliance has created Best Cosplay Ever (This Week), an ongoing collection of some of the most impeccable, creative, and clever costumes that we’ve discovered and assembled into a super-showcase of pure fan-devoted talent.
A Poll Has Named Mewtwo As The Most Handsome Pokemon
A Poll Has Named Mewtwo As The Most Handsome Pokemon
A Poll Has Named Mewtwo As The Most Handsome Pokemon
Usually, when someone takes a poll to find out someone's preferences for Pokémon, they tend to use adjectives along the lines of "favorite," or maybe even "cute." What you do not usually hear is someone asking which Pokémon is the most handsome, which I assume is largely because that's a very difficult standard to apply to, say, a chandelier with a face on it, or whatever Diglett is supposed to be. But that didn't stop someone from asking, and now, we have an answer that I don't think anyone was prepared for.
'Dragon Ball' Freeza Arc To Get Full Color Release
'Dragon Ball' Freeza Arc To Get Full Color Release
'Dragon Ball' Freeza Arc To Get Full Color Release
Viz Media has announced that it will continuing its efforts to republish all of Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball manga in lavish, oversized, full-color editions with the first volume of the legendary Freeza Arc, available in print and digital on May 3. The classic storyline, which initially ran from 1990-1991, sees Gohan, Krillin and Bulma head to the planet Namek to find Dragon Balls to revive their friends. They learn that the all-powerful alien warlord Freeza is after them --- as is the terrifying Vegeta --- and the hunt is on.

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