Kevin Wada

The Good Hulk: Lawyering And Superheroism in 'She-Hulk' #1
The Good Hulk: Lawyering And Superheroism in 'She-Hulk' #1
The Good Hulk: Lawyering And Superheroism in 'She-Hulk' #1
Lawyers are not heroes. I don't say that to be unkind; I'm sure there are valiant and principled people in the law as in most walks of life. Jennifer Walters, the eponymous star of the new She-Hulk ongoing series from writer Charles Soule and artist Javier Pulido, is one of those good people. Yet as a profession, lawyers do not represent "good" the way that superheroes do. Soule, a pract
Best Art Ever (This Week)
Best Art Ever (This Week)
Best Art Ever (This Week)
  We make a regular practice at ComicsAlliance of spotlighting particular artists or specific bodies of work, as well as the special qualities of comic book storytelling, but because cartoonists, illustrators and their fans share countless numbers of great pinups, fan art and other illustrations on sites like Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt and seemingly infinite art blogs that we’ve created Best Art E
14 for '14: Comic Book Creators To Watch In The New Year
14 for '14: Comic Book Creators To Watch In The New Year
14 for '14: Comic Book Creators To Watch In The New Year
2014 promises to bring a flood of amazing work from a raft of talented cover artists, writers, web cartoonists, interior artists and mangaka. ComicsAlliance has looked at the new projects on the horizon and made a pick of 14 comic creators who we think will make an impact in 2014. Our hope is that this is just the tip of the iceberg, that there are 140 amazing creators on the cusp of creating something great in 2014 -- but these are our picks of the creators to keep an eye on.
Best Art Ever (This Week)
Best Art Ever (This Week)
Best Art Ever (This Week)
We make a regular practice at ComicsAlliance of spotlighting particular artists or specific bodies of work, but because cartoonists, illustrators and their fans share countless numbers of great images on sites like Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt and seemingly infinite art blogs that we’ve created Best Art Ever (This Week), a weekly depository for just some of the pieces of especially compelling artwor
Best Art Ever (This Week)
Best Art Ever (This Week)
Best Art Ever (This Week)
We make a regular practice at ComicsAlliance of spotlighting particular artists or specific bodies of work, but because cartoonists, illustrators and their fans share countless numbers of great images on sites like Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt and seemingly infinite art blogs that we’ve created Best Art Ever (This Week), a weekly depository for just some of the pieces of especially compelling artwor
Best Art Ever (This Week) - 10.04.13
Best Art Ever (This Week) - 10.04.13
Best Art Ever (This Week) - 10.04.13
We make a regular practice at ComicsAlliance of spotlighting particular artists or specific bodies of work, but because cartoonists, illustrators and their fans share countless numbers of great images on sites like Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt and seemingly infinite art blogs that we’ve created Best Art Ever (This Week), a weekly depository for just some of the pieces of especially compelling artwor
Marvel Announces New 'She-Hulk' Series From Soule And Pulido
Marvel Announces New 'She-Hulk' Series From Soule And Pulido
Marvel Announces New 'She-Hulk' Series From Soule And Pulido
Marvel has announced the next book in its "All New Marvel Now" initiative, and it's definitely one that will stand out. Starting early next year, Jen Walters gets her own monthly series again with She-Hulk #1, written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Javier Pulido, according to USA Today.
Best Art Ever (This Week) - 09.06.13
Best Art Ever (This Week) - 09.06.13
Best Art Ever (This Week) - 09.06.13
We make a regular practice at ComicsAlliance of spotlighting particular artists or specific bodies of work, but because cartoonists, illustrators and their fans share countless numbers of great images on sites like Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt and seemingly infinite art blogs that we’ve created Best Art Ever (This Week), a weekly depository for just some of the pieces of especially compelling artwor
Best Art Ever (This Week)
Best Art Ever (This Week)
Best Art Ever (This Week)
We make a regular practice at ComicsAlliance of spotlighting particular artists or specific bodies of work, but because cartoonists, illustrators and their fans share countless numbers of great images on sites like Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt and seemingly infinite art blogs that we've created Best Art Ever (This Week), a weekly depository for just some of the pieces of especially compelling artwork that we come across in our regular travels across the Web. Some of it's new, some of it's old, some of it's created by working professionals, some of it's created by future stars, some of it's created by talented fans, and some of it's endearingly silly. All of it's awesome.

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