Captain America, Hulk And More Would’ve Clashed In EA’s Canned Marvel Fighting Game
As games based on Marvel Comics characters go, you'd probably be pretty hard pressed to find many fans who'd rank EA's 2005 fighter, Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects, as their all-time favorite. The overly dark title was crowded with cutscenes, included a cast of EA-created characters with names like "The Wink" and sported pretty repetitive gameplay. So how did EA plan to top the critically-panned title? As late as 2007 EA's Chicago studio was working on a followup game that would've put players in control of Captain America, the Hulk, Spider-Man and presumably many others as they punched each other in a fully-destructable, sorta sepia-toned 3D arena realm gone mad. Cap's costume had an especially Ultimate Universe tinge to it, although the canceled game's exact storyline was never fully revealed before Marvel moved on from EA in 2008. You can check out screen shots and a few videos of the ditched Marvel fighter from EA after the cut.