
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Announced, Brings Captain Marvel to the Battle
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Announced, Brings Captain Marvel to the Battle
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite Announced, Brings Captain Marvel to the Battle
The rumors were true, you guys. Marvel vs. Capcom is indeed getting a new sequel, this time eschewing the number system in favor the title Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite. The first teaser trailer for the latest in the ongoing collision of universes brought back familiar faces Ryu, Mega Man and Iron Man, but more importantly, it introduced Captain Marvel to the series for the first time in its history. I don't know about you, but I'm already throwing money at my screen.
Spidey Gets an Upgrade from Tony Stark in ‘Homecoming’
Spidey Gets an Upgrade from Tony Stark in ‘Homecoming’
Spidey Gets an Upgrade from Tony Stark in ‘Homecoming’
We haven’t heard too much about Spider-Man: Homecoming apart from endless speculation about Zendaya’s character and tons of videos of Tom Holland’s parkour skills, but we know that Tony Stark will definitely make an appearance. He took Peter Parker under his wing in Captain America: Civil War, so he’s probably going to keep showing up in Peter’s life to see how his new protege is doing. And what’s a friendship with Tony Stark without a few very high-tech gifts? [If you want to go into Homecoming knowing as little as possible, now’s the time to turn back because there be SPOILERS ahead.]
Greg Pak And Greg Land Launch 'Weapon X' Team Book
Greg Pak And Greg Land Launch 'Weapon X' Team Book
Greg Pak And Greg Land Launch 'Weapon X' Team Book
Here we are at the end of the week with another ResurrXion announcement. The Weapon X book that we knew was coming will be written by Greg Pak with art by Greg Land, and we now know that it's a team book featuring Old Man Logan, Sabretooth, Lady Deathstrike, Warpath, and Domino.
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: What To Buy For Video Game Fans
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: What To Buy For Video Game Fans
Comics Alliance Gift Guide: What To Buy For Video Game Fans
There's always been a seamless crossover between video games and comic books, and odds are if you're a fan of one, you're a fan of the other. Comics have been adapted into video games and vice-versa for almost as long as video games have been "a thing," and as both mediums have evolved, so too has the quality of those crossovers. With the holidays around the corner, we've put together a selection of some of the best video game related comics and art books for the gamer in your life.
Fantastic Five: Best War Heroes
Fantastic Five: Best War Heroes
Fantastic Five: Best War Heroes
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. This week we're counting down the five best recurring heroes ever to grace the pages of war comics.
'Rocket Raccoon' Is Grounded On Earth In New Series
'Rocket Raccoon' Is Grounded On Earth In New Series
'Rocket Raccoon' Is Grounded On Earth In New Series
Thanks to the events of Civil War II, the Guardians of the Galaxy have found themselves stranded on Earth, and while that's a homecoming for members such as Star-Lord, The Thing and Venom, others aren't going to have such a good time acclimating to new customs. One such Guardian is the notoriously cranky Rocket Raccoon, who finds himself forced to force the perils of Times Square at night and the MTA in a new series by Matthew Rosenberg and Jorge Coelho.
The Original ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Trailer Almost Got Nixed
The Original ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Trailer Almost Got Nixed
The Original ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Trailer Almost Got Nixed
Dangerous business, making trailers these days. When a beloved franchise unveils the first look at its latest installment, they can be sure that the devoted fanbase will go through each and every frame with a fine-toothed comb, on the hunt for any context-free images that may hint at a new character, location, or plot development. In the worst cases, a trailer becomes a maddening game of keep away between the editor cutting it and the fans itching to strip-mine it for spoilers. James Gunn, as he’s readied the first trailer for his upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy sequel, has had to learn this the hard way.
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Officially Coming in 2017
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Officially Coming in 2017
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series Officially Coming in 2017
It's officially official, everyone. The Guardians of the Galaxy will star in Telltale Games' next new episodic adventure game. Announced with a brief teaser trailer at The Game Awards, the footage confirmed rumors that we heard not that long ago about Telltale's plans with Marvel. Though the teaser is certainly short, it does at least offer some idea of what to expect from the upcoming game. Most notably, another dope soundtrack, and potentially hints that the game will be set in the movie universe rather than the comic continuity.
Shrinking, Dancing And Science In 'Unstoppable Wasp' #1
Shrinking, Dancing And Science In 'Unstoppable Wasp' #1
Shrinking, Dancing And Science In 'Unstoppable Wasp' #1
The new Wasp, introduced in All-New Avengers, is arriving in her own series with The Unstoppable Wasp #1 by Jeremy Whitley and Elsa Charretier. With a fantastic cover by Charretier and the promise of fun, upbeat adventures, this comic seems to be aimed squarely at the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl demographic, which is frankly a direction more comics should be aiming in.
Jeff Bridges Retooled ‘Iron Man’ Script to Make It Better
Jeff Bridges Retooled ‘Iron Man’ Script to Make It Better
Jeff Bridges Retooled ‘Iron Man’ Script to Make It Better
When you ask Marvel fans what their favorite Marvel movies are, more often than not, 2008’s Iron Man will be on their list somewhere. Even those who don’t consider themselves superhero movie aficionados will agree that Iron Man is still one of Marvel’s best, if not the best. Jeff Bridges’ Obadiah Stane is also one of the best MCU villains, but apparently he was more of a hero during the movie’s production. Bridges revealed that he, Robert Downey Jr, and Jon Favreau actually reworked parts of the script days before shooting started.

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